Making a difference through local community action for the planet.

Every day we are increasingly reminded of the consequences of Climate Change, accelerated by the actions of mankind.

If we enquire further, then the key issues emerge showing the global impact of alternative actions and inactions. Much the greatest impact is reliant upon national governments achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050, if not sooner.

However, the UK Government has recently put its commitment back from 2030 to 2050. Whilst disappointing, it’s key to remember that any scheme, regardless of the duration, must rely upon the population supporting their strategy.

What is not clear at this point are the steps we could all take as citizens, to Make a Difference in Herefordshire, and when we should take them.

BromyardMADShow recognises that it will be for future generations to cope with the local impact of Climate Change and so our focus should be with families whose children attend local schools. Only through their being made aware of the positive steps that could be taken now will unnecessary future failings be avoided.

What People Are Saying

“I am delighted to be able to play a leading role in shaping future concerns as to how young people develop their own understanding about Climate Change and the actions they might be motivated to take. That BromyardMADShow could illustrate what a community working together could achieve is quite exciting and deserves widespread support.

Global Action Plan is a major charity with much experience in this area, but it is clear that the focus of our survey with parents is something new and would be a first by the community of North Herefordshire and Bromyard.”

Martin Farmer, Executive Headteacher, Three Counties Academy Trust

“At a time when the UK Government is scaling back its Net Zero ambitions, it is encouraging to see communities self-organising and working together to cut carbon emissions. This sort of grass-roots action is so vital now, a safe future for today’s young people and the generations who follow them will not be possible without action in the here and now. We cannot wait for politicians and corporations to change their ways. We need to Make A Difference today”.

- Dr Morgan Phillips, Head of Education and Youth Engagement at the international charity Global Action Plan

Get Involved Today

Are you a climate newbie, total enthusiast, academic, professional or business keen to be involved in this initiative, or other local projects in support of Climate Change and Biodiversity?

If yes, please follow the link below to find out how you could help.