What is Bromyard Make a Difference (MAD) Show?

Bromyard MAD (Make A Difference) Show has the objective of generating initiatives by the people of Bromyard that will make a personal contribution to mitigating against Climate Change.

At the core of our mission is an annual survey into the mindset and behaviour toward the challenges that need to be addressed by everyone in order to protect the planet, which will be distributed to the parents of children attending the schools in and around Bromyard in March 2024, followed in June 2024 by offering the same survey for public participation.

Our purpose

To bring an awareness of current lifestyles and their relationship to Climate Change, then to show what initiatives might be beneficial. To monitor any lifestyle changes through to 2030.

Our project

Bromyard MAD Show Survey

First a request to parents, distributed by all the local schools, for them to participate in a survey on the internet to establish their status on issues that affect climate and the environment. This would be repeated annually, commencing in March 2024, and running through to 2030.

The letter of introduction explains that all responses would be anonymous and so completely confidential.